Is Everyone a coach NOW?

Thanh and I were talking about coaching the other day. We commented that it seems like everywhere you turn there is another coaching company. People everywhere are promoting themselves as coaches. What amazes me is that many of those promoting how you and I need them as a coach have never been coached themselves. They see the need for you and me but not them. That seems a little, well more than a little hypocritical, don’t you think?

Thanh and I come at it from a different perspective. We have personally benefited from coaching in years past and both of us are currently being coached. We believe it can help others because we know it’s helped us. So for us it’s not some glitzy advertisement we responded to so we could make big money. It’s a mission to help others help themselves to enjoy a fulfilling life of purpose.

My sister introduced me to coaching more than 10 years ago. I read a book she gave me then set it aside. Sitting in first class next to Marshall Goldsmith on a flight to Dallas got me thinking. Marshall is a coaching guru who coaches Fortune 50 CEOs. He told me he pays to receive a call every night and is asked the same 30 questions. Can you say Accountability? Later, on a flight from Los Angeles I sat next the CEO of a Hollywood production company. He started telling me about his coach. He used the same coach as the CEO of Otterbox. He told me how the coach helped him realize his priorities in business and life and how it really benefited him.

I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I’m not the dullest one either. I started thinking if the CEO of Ford, and these other CEOs could benefit from a coach, Mark Hemingway could benefit from one too. So I called my sister and got some guidance on finding a coach.

That coaching experience truly changed my trajectory and got me on the path I wanted to be on professionally two years sooner than it would have been otherwise. That was 10 years ago. I’m a believer. Am I in a coaching relationship now? Yes, because I realize there’s always a next level and a coach can help me get to that next level sooner than I can on my own.

Are Thanh or Mark the right coach for you? I don’t know, but what I do know is that we are in it for the right reasons and not because of a “get rich in coaching” glitzy ad. Use a coach who has received coaching and believes it can benefit you too.

You can check us out with a complimentary 30 minute session. We believe you’ll be glad you did.

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